The Details:

Catalyst Power is excited to begin serving Robison Energy’s customers!  

Catalyst Power will soon be taking over your service contract – but fear not! We will continue to honor Robison’s price, terms and conditions for your energy supply service. This is a seamless transition, and the only noticeable change will be the supplier listed on your bill! 

What’s In It For You?

Aside from a new energy supply partner who gets you, Catalyst Power is offering a free solar assessment to Robison customers who authorize an expedited transfer of their service to Catalyst Power.  

Let’s Get Started! Follow This Simple Three-Step Process.

You’ll need to upload the fully executed consent form for immediate enrollment, a copy of your most recent utility bill, and some high-level site location information, nothing too serious.

Step 01.

Tell us who you are and where the site is! To consider your property, please provide the location's mailing address. 

Step 02.
  • Upload your fully executed consent form for immediate enrollment with Catalyst Power
  • Upload the most recent electricity bill (not natural gas!) for each account at the property. 
Step 03.

A Catalyst Power representative will be in touch with you for any follow up questions we may have regarding your property. Welcome to the Catalyst Power team - we're excited you're here!


Do you have any Questions?

Commonly asked questions are answered below. Have a question that isn't answered? - Send your question to

Can I send my documents in the mail?

Absolutely! If snail mail is more your thing, you can still receive the free solar assessment for your business and authorize immediate enrollment with Catalyst Power by completing the form and returning your signed authorization to Catalyst Power.

Catalyst Power

600 Franklin Ave Unit 268

Garden City, NY 11530

What does my free solar assessment entail?

Catalyst Power's solar analysts will look at your historic usage and building profile to determine how appropriate rooftop or land mounted solar is in this location. Many factors are in play, such as utility zone, historic area weather, roof age and size, building height, and surrounding obstacles. 

Once completed, Catalyst Power will be able to have an in-depth conversation with you about the potential for solar in your area.

What If I have questions and need to talk to someone?

We'd love to talk to you! Please send any and all questions to and indicate that you are a Robison customer with an immediate enrollment. 

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Submit Documents